Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentHow to configure Quick Book for Supporting Multi-User Access March 2, 2024 video accessbuntha chhaycambodia comptuer networkcambodia lectureCambodia universitychapter1computer network teaching in khmerComputer NetworksConfiguredata communicationshosting mumti-user accesshowintroductionintroductions to data communicationskhmer itkhmer it lessonkhmer lecturekhmer lessonkhmer teachingLabmulti-user accessnetworkquickbookquickbook serverrouterroutingspeak khmersub-interfaceswitchteaching in khmervlan
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentInstall and Configure Web Server and DNS Server on Windows server 2012 R2 May 17, 2023 video buntha chhaycambodia comptuer networkcambodia lectureCambodia universitycomputer network teaching in khmerComputer NetworksConfiguredata communicationsdns serverhowintroductionintroductions to data communicationskhmer itkhmer it lessonkhmer lecturekhmer lessonkhmer teachingLabnetworkPractic Exercise on DNS and Webrouterroutingspeak khmersub-interfaceswitchteaching in khmertracertrunkvlanWeweb serverwindows server 2012 r2
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentCreate OU User and Group Map Drive in Domain Controller in Windows Server 2012 R2 February 2, 2021 video accessbuntha chhaycambodia comptuer networkcambodia lectureCambodia universitychapter1computer network teaching in khmerComputer NetworksConfigurecreate OUdata communicationsFile Server on Windows server 2012R2Groupshowintroductionintroductions to data communicationskhmer itkhmer it lessonkhmer lecturekhmer lessonkhmer teachingLabnetworkpacketpermissionroutingspeak khmersub-interfaceteaching in khmertracertrunkUsersvlan