Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentZervicepoint June 17, 2021 video powershellpowershell summittechsessionwindows powershell
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentWebJEA: PowerShell driven Web Forms for Secure Self-Service by Mark Domansky June 7, 2021 video powershellpowershell summittechsessionwindows powershell
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentCode Writing Code, say what now! Meta Programming and PowerShell by Wesley Kirkland May 24, 2021 video powershellpowershell summittechsessionwindows powershell
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentGetting started with Just Enough Administration (JEA) by Jason Helmick April 17, 2021 video powershellpowershell summittechsessionwindows powershell
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Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentConnecting the Dots with PowerShell by Warren Frame December 1, 2020 video powershellpowershell summittechsessionwindows powershell
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentRevealing the Magic of DSC November 19, 2020 video powershellpowershell summittechsessionwindows powershell
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentHow Azure Automation Solves Challenges November 6, 2020 video powershellpowershell summittechsessionwindows powershell
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentDefending against PowerShell attacks – in theory, and in practice by Lee holmes November 1, 2020 video powershellpowershell summittechsessionwindows powershell
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentAD Forensics with PowerShell McGlone October 8, 2020 video powershellpowershell summittechsessionwindows powershell