Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentSparx Systems Enterprise Architect Single Sign On with OpenID August 25, 2020 video EAKeyCloakOpenIDProCloudSparx
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentAuthentication Analytics with WSO2 Identity Analytics July 27, 2020 video Authentication AnalyticsIdentity and Access ManagementOAuthOpenIDOpenID ConnectsamlWeb SSOWSO2 Identity Server
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentKilling Identity Management in Order to Save It March 6, 2020 video accessIAMidentityldapOAuthOpenIDscim
Cybersecurity | Cloud | DevelopmentAnalytics with WSO2 Identity and Access Management January 20, 2020 video analyticsDigital TransformationIdentity analyticsIdentity and Access ManagementmiddlewareOAuthOpen SourceOpenIDOpenID ConnectsamlWeb SSOwso2WSO2 Identity Server