Tag Archives: Microsoft Copilot

Getting started with Copilot for Security plugins
AIazure sentinel demoAzure Sentinel Setupazure sentinel tutorialc4sCloud SecurityCopilotcopilot excelCopilot for Securitycopilot for security pluginsCybersecuritydata privacyDefender for Endpointgenerative AImicrosoft 365Microsoft 365 securityMicrosoft CopilotMicrosoft DefenderMicrosoft securityMicrosoft security demomicrosoft sentinelMicrosoft xdrsecurity aiSecurity OperationsSecurity Opetations Platform

Investigate incidents, generate informed responses.
Azure OpenAICopilotCyberattackCybersecurityData Securityendpoint adminendpoint managementgenerative AIgptGPT4hunting queriesIdentity ManagementLarge language modellifecycle workflowLLMLoRAMicrosoft CopilotMicrosoft Defender XDRMicrosoft Entramicrosoft intuneMicrosoft PurviewMicrosoft securityMicrosoft Security Copilotmicrosoft sentinelnatural languageOpenAIpromptsRansomwaresecurity analystSecurity Copilotthreat intelligence
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