Tag Archives: Auora Serverless

Amazon Web Services:AWS DynamoDB Tutorial | AWS Services | AWS Tutorial For Beginners(2020) (Telugu)
amazon auroraAmazon Aurora DatabaseAmazon RD on OutpostsAuora ServerlessAurora Multi-masterAurora- Global DbAutomated patchingBackup and restorebest practicesBuilt for high durabilityConsistently fast at any scaledatabase instancesDatabase Log files managementdynamo dbDynamoDB AcceleratorElastic cacheGlobal TablesIntegrated with AWS LambdaIsolation and securityMulti masterPerformance and scalabilityRoutine maintenanceZero admin

Amazon Web Services : Introduction to Amazon Aurora – Relational Database built for Cloud (2020)
amazon auroraAmazon Aurora DatabaseAmazon RD on OutpostsAMAZON RDSAuora ServerlessAurora Multi-masterAurora- Global DbAutomated patchingAvailable and durablebest practicesCloud watchdatabase instancesDatabase Log files managementdynamo dbEasily deploy and maintain hardwareEasy to administerIsolation and securityMonitoring ADSMulti masterPerformance and scalabilityRDS Performance insightRoutine maintenance

Hands-on with AWS RDS
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